Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Week 6 - The Erlanger House

    This week we took a trip to the Erlanger House, over in Urbana on Indiana Avenue. I've been to the house before, but it is always interesting to check the place out. It's not your conventional home, and the front is actually a brick wall, as seen above. The crazy thing is that this house is across the street from a lovely park, and I think most people would want plenty of windows in front to see the park. However, the Erlanger House has privacy, and it's own set of nature. Inside that brick chamber is actually a courtyard, and there are plenty of plants and animals in the courtyard and back yard when the weather is nice enough.
    However, the privacy is not what makes the home. The home has hard brick walls, and symmetry throughout. The house is incredibly minimal, hiding away utilities, the refrigerator, and even wall switches and outlets. The house also has a dance floor, and is very open. While this makes the place great for entertaining, I personally feel it lacks coziness and a sense of being a home. I would not want to live there if it was up to me.
    Overall, in an architectural viewpoint, the house is very well done. It's well planned, and certainly achieved what Mrs. Erlanger wanted in a home. She had privacy, elegance, and a place to entertain. The place is certainly a unique and cool place to check out.

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