Thursday, February 5, 2015

Week 3 - Krannert Tour

    This class we took a tour of the Krannert Center. I actually took a tour last year through Krannert, and this was basically the same tour, as we followed the same route and covered many of the same things. However, Krannert is certainly a world that I do not normally visit, so it was nice to check out what was happening throughout the building.
    We gathered in the huge atrium there, and met multiple employees and students there, all who are very welcoming. Everything there is pleasant, including checking our coats and them joking about how they will defend them. We were not able to get into all of the theaters, but we were able to view a few and discuss the specialties and attention to details of each. We also traveled down into the behind-the-scenes levels of the building, checking out the hustle of the wood shop, wardrobe, and class rooms.  
    So what did I take away from this tour, and what architectural notes do I have? I noticed that Krannert is built in both functionality and aesthetics. The building does not have a particularly notable exterior, but really shines once you get inside. The theaters are elegant and well taken care of, and it really is interesting how when a guest walks in, you simply notice the theaters and head on in. Only if you catch an elevator or head down the stairs do you see the industrial and functional design, and see how much work is really occurring. It's incredible how much goes on behind the scenes that you never notice. Another part of Krannert that interests me is the vast lobby area. We were told that it is 1.5 acres, or 9 tennis courts of space. It allows every show to be sold out and still be able to support everyone being in the lobby. Last, the attention to detail caught my eye. Materials were hand picked by the Krannerts when they donated the funds, and the acoustics and design was clearly thought out.

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